: A laboratory for the study of educational informatics

The University of Iowa Department of Radiology

Michael P. D'Alessandro, M.D.

Division of Pediatric Radiology

University of Iowa Children's Hospital Logo

Michael D'Alessandro M.D.

Professor of Radiology, University of Iowa College of Medicine

Pediatric Radiologist, The University of Iowa Children's Hospital

Co-Director, Educational Informatics Laboratory

Curator, Pediatric Commons

B.S. in Computer Science and B.S. in Biology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan

Medical School
M.D., Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan

Diagnostic Radiology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa

Pediatric Radiology, Children's Hospital / Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts

Clinical and Research Interests
1. Medical Informatics - the use of computers in aiding medical practice, research, and education.

My goal is to gain a deeper understanding of thinking and learning and to develop new computational tools to think with - that is new computational tools that help people learn new things in new ways.

Our Laboratory
Educational Informatics Laboratory

Digital Libraries

Digital Textbooks

2. Pediatric Chest Imaging - the application of high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) in imaging of the pediatric chest

Areas Available for Consultation
All aspects of pediatric radiology.

Procedures Performed
Pediatric plain films, fluoroscopy, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and imaging directed percutaneous biopsy and fluid drainage.

Dr. D'Alessandro is unable to answer your personal medical questions.

Other inquiries may email Dr. D'Alessandro at:

Recent Presentations

Peer Reviewed Publications

  1. Vitale JJ, Freeman DC, Merlotti LA, D'Alessandro MP. Patterns of Biomass Allocation in Spinacia Oleracea (Chenopodiaceae) Across a Salinity Gradient: Evidence for a Niche Separation. American Journal of Botany 1987; 74:1049-1054.
  2. Bollinger RO, D'Alessandro MP, Black GC, Ackerman MJ. ETNet: An Online Conference Dedicated to Users of Computers in Medical Education. Proceedings of the American Association for Medical Systems and Informatics 1989. American Association for Medical Systems and Informatics. Washington, DC. 1989; 439-441.
  3. D'Alessandro MP, Bollinger RO, Ackerman MJ. ETNet: A Free Computer Conferencing System Dedicated to Applications of Computers in Health Sciences Education and Radiology. Proceedings of the Symposium for Computer Assisted Radiology 1990 - Computer Applications to Assist Radiology. Symposia Foundation, Carlsbad , CA, 1990; 666-668.
  4. D'Alessandro MP, Galvin JR, Erkonen WE, Albanese MA, Michaelsen VE, Huntley JS, McBurney RM, Easley G. The Instructional Effectiveness of a Radiology Multimedia Textbook (HyperLung) versus a Standard Lecture. Investigative Radiology 1993; 28: 643-648.
  5. D'Alessandro MP, Galvin JR, Erkonen WE, Santer DM, Huntley JS, McBurney RM, Easley G. An Approach to the Creation of Multimedia Textbooks for Radiology Instruction. American Journal of Roentgenology 1993; 161:187-191.
  6. D'Alessandro MP. TC/RM nel Bambino il Corpo Testo Atlante (Book Review). Radiology 1993; 188:154.
  7. D'Alessandro MP, Ackerman MJ, Sparks SM. Educational Technology Network: A Computer Conferencing System Dedicated to Applications of Computers in Radiology Practice, Research and Education. Journal of Digital Imaging 1993; 6: 237-240.
  8. Galvin JR, D'Alessandro MP, Erkonen WE, Lacey DL, Santer DM. The Virtual Hospital: A Link Between Academia and Practitioners (Letter to the Editor). Academic Medicine 1994; 69:130.
  9. Santer DM, D'Alessandro MP, Huntley JS, Erkonen WE, Galvin JR. The Multimedia Textbook - A Revolutionary Tool for Pediatric Education. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine 1994;148:711-715.
  10. Galvin JR, D'Alessandro MP, Erkonen WE, Knutson TA, Lacey DL. The Virtual Hospital: A New Paradigm for Lifelong Learning in Radiology. Radiographics 1994; 14:875-879.
  11. D'Alessandro MP, Lacey DL, Galvin JR, Erkonen WE, Santer DM. The Networked Multimedia Textbook:Distributing Radiology Multimedia Information Across the Internet. American Journal of Roentgenology 1994; 163:1233-1237.
  12. Erkonen WE, D'Alessandro MP, Galvin JR, Albanese MA, Michaelsen VE. Longitudinal Comparison of Multimedia Textbook Instruction with a Lecture in Radiology Education. Academic Radiology 1994;1:287-292.
  13. Galvin JR, D'Alessandro MP, Kurihara Y, Erkonen WE, Knutson TA, Lacey DL. Distributing an Electronic Thoracic Imaging Teaching File Using the Internet, Mosaic, and Personal Computers. American Journal of Roentgenology 1995;164:475-478.
  14. D'Alessandro MP, Galvin JR, Santer DM, Erkonen WE. Handheld Digital Books in Radiology: Convenient Access to Information. American Journal of Roentgenology 1995; 164: 485-488.
  15. Santer DM, Michaelsen VE, Erkonen WE, Winter RJ, Woodhead JC, Gilmer JS, D'Alessandro MP, Galvin JR. A Comparison of Educational Interventions: Multimedia Textbook, Standard Lecture and Printed Textbook. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine 1995; 149:297-302.
  16. Yuh WTC, Simonson TM, D'Alessandro MP, Smith KS, Hunsicker LG. Temporal Changes of MR Findings in Central Pontine Myelinolysis. American Journal of Neuroradiology 1995; 16: 975-977.
  17. Galvin JR, D'Alessandro MP, Erkonen WE, Smith WL, El-Khoury GY, Weinstein JN. The Virtual Hospital: Providing Multimedia Decision Support Tools via the Internet. Spine 1995; 20:1735-1738.
  18. D'Alessandro MP, Kozakewich HPW, Cooke KR, Taylor GA. Radiologic-Pathologic Conference of Children's Hospital Boston: New Pulmonary Nodules in a Child Undergoing Treatment for a Solid Malignancy. Pediatric Radiology 1996; 26:19-21.
  19. Medina LS, D'Alessandro MP, Buonomo C. Pediatric Case of the Day - Adrenocortical Adenoma. Radiographics 1996; 16:449-451.
  20. D'Alessandro MP, Galvin JR, D'Alessandro DM, Erkonen WE, Curry DS, Choi TA. The Iowa Health Book: Creating, Organizing and Distributing a Digital Medical Library of Multimedia Consumer Health Information on the Internet to Improve Rural Health Care by Increasing Rural Patient Access to Information. Proceedings of the Third Forum on Research and Technology Advances in Digital Libraries (ADL '96). IEEE Computer Society Press. Los Alamitos, CA. 1996; 28-34.
  21. D'Alessandro MP, Galvin JR, Erkonen WE, Curry DS, Flanagan JR, D'Alessandro DM, Lacey DL, Wagner JR. The Virtual Hospital: An IAIMS Integrating Continuing Education Into the Work Flow. M.D. Computing 1996; 13:323-329.
  22. Franken EA, Berbaum KS, Brandser EA, D’Alessandro MP, Schweiger GD, Smith WL. Pediatric Radiology at a Rural Hospital: Value of Teleradiology and Subspecialty Consultation. American Journal of Roentgenology 1997; 168: 1329-1352.
  23. D'Alessandro MP, Galvin JR, Choi JJ, Erkonen WE, Crist LG. Continuing Medical Education to the Point of Care Using a Digital Library and Intimate Computers. Proceedings of the Fourth Forum on Research and Technology Advances in Digital Libraries (ADL '97). IEEE Computer Society Press. Los Alamitos, CA. 1997; 95-101.
  24. D'Alessandro DM, D'Alessandro MP. Radiologic Education of Pediatric Residents During Morning Report. Academic Radiology 1997: 4:534-538.
  25. Takano H, Sato Y, Kao SCS, D'Alessandro MP. Enlarging giant liver cyst in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. Pediatric Radiology 1997: 27:619-620. (Letter to the Editor).
  26. D'Alessandro MP, Galvin JR. SPR Online: Creating, Maintaining, and Distributing a Virtual Professional Society on the Internet. Radiographics 1998; 18: 189-194.
  27. Galvin JR, D'Alessandro MP. Thoracic Radiology Resources on the Internet. Academic Radiology 1998; 5: 660-661.
  28. Kienzle MG, D'Alessandro MP. Reaching Rural. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 1998: 86(4) : 552.
  29. D'Alessandro MP, Galvin JR, Erkonen WE, Choi TA, Lacey DL, Colbert SI. The Virtual Hospital: Experiences in Creating and Sustaining a Digital Library. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 1998: 86(4): 553-563. Available from the Internet at
  30. D'Alessandro MP, D'Alessandro DM, Kash JB, Wakefield DS, Schallau SJ, Galvin JR, Erkonen WE. A Performance Comparison of Communication Links Between Rural Hospitals and a Digital Health Sciences Library. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 1998: 86(4): 564-568. Available from the Internet at
  31. D'Alessandro DM, D'Alessandro MP, Galvin JR, Kash JB, Wakefield DS, Erkonen WE. Barriers to Rural Physician Use of a Digital Health Sciences Library. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 1998: 86(4): 583-593. Available from the Internet at
  32. D'Alessandro DM, Qian F, D'Alessandro MP, Ostrem SF, Choi TA, Erkonen WE, Galvin JR. Performing a Continuous Quality Improvement for a Digital Health Sciences Library Through an Electronic Mail Analysis. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 1998: 86(4): 594-601. Available from the Internet at
  33. D'Alessandro MP, D'Alessandro DM, Galvin JR, Erkonen WE. Evaluating Overall Usage of a Digital Health Sciences Library. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 1998: 86(4): 602-609. Available from the Internet at
  34. D'Alessandro MP, Westenfield AM, D'Alessandro DM, Pomrehn PR, Galvin JR. Peer Reviewing and Curating the Health Care Information Infrastructure: Experiences and Recommendations. Proceedings of the American Medical Informatics Association 1998 Annual Symposium. Hanley & Belfus. Philadelphia, PA. 1998; 643-647.
  35. D'Alessandro MP, D'Alessandro DM, Hendrix MJC, Bakalar RS. The Virtual Naval Hospital: A Digital Library for Naval Primary Care Providers and Patients. Military Medicine 1998: 163 (11): 775-780.
  36. D'Alessandro MP. Creating and Curating a Pediatric Radiology Digital Library: Making the Internet a Useful Reference Tool for the Radiologist. Pediatric Radiology 1998: 28(11);890-895.
  37. Graber MA, D'Alessandro DM, D'Alessandro MP, Bergus GR, Levy B, Ostrem SF. Usage Analysis of a Primary Care Medical Resource on the Internet. Computers in Biology and Medicine 1998: 28: 581-588.
  38. D'Alessandro MP, Nguyen BC, D'Alessandro DM. Information Needs and Information Seeking Behaviors of On-Call Radiology Residents. Academic Radiology 1999: 6: 16-21.
  39. D'Alessandro MP, Galvin JR, D'Alessandro DM, Erkonen WE, Choi TA. The Virtual Hospital: The Digital Library Moves from Dream to Reality. Academic Radiology 1999: 6: 78-80.
  40. D'Alessandro DM, D'Alessandro MP, Hendrix MJC, Bakalar RS. Information Needs of Naval Primary Care Providers and Patients at Sea. Military Medicine 1999; 164(2): 127-131.
  41. D'Alessandro MP, D'Alessandro DM, Bakalar RS, Ashley DE, Hendrix MJC. The Virtual Naval Hospital - Lessons Learned in Creating and Operating a Digital Health Sciences Library for Nomadic Patrons. [Online Journal] D-Lib Magazine, the Magazine of Digital Library Research - May 1999; 5 (5). Reston, Corporation for National Research Initiatives, May 1999. [rev. 17 May 1999, cited 19 May 1999]. Available from Internet:
  42. Peterson MW, Galvin JR, Dayton C, D'Alessandro MP. Realizing the Promise: Delivering Pulmonary Continuing Medical Education Over the Internet. Chest 1999; 115(5): 1429-1436.
  43. Kao SC, Ehrhardt JC, Sato Y, D’Alessandro MP, Smith WL. Pediatric Extracranial Applications of MR Angiography. Clinical Imaging 1999; 23(5): 271-283.
  44. D'Alessandro MP, Galvin JR, Colbert SI, D'Alessandro DM, Choi TA, Aker BD, Carlson WS, Pelzer GD. Solutions to Challenges Facing a University Digital Library and Press. JAMIA 2000; 7: 246-253. Available from the Internet at ttp://
  45. D'Alessandro DM, D'Alessandro MP, Colbert SI. Addressing the Challenge of Patient Cries for Help Through an Analysis of Unsolicited Electronic Mail. Pediatrics. Pediatrics 2000 105: e74. Available from the Internet at
  46. McDonald JM, Raghuveer TS, D'Alessandro MP. Can Congenital CMV Infection Lead to Intracranial Hemorrohage? J Perinatol 2001; 21(6): 402-404
  47. D'Alessandro MP. A Digital Library of Radiology Education Resources. (Technical Note) AJR. American Journal of Roentgenology. 179(3):574, 2002 September.
  48. D'Alessandro DM, Lewis TE, D'Alessandro MP. A Pediatric Digital Storytelling System for Third Year Medical Students: The Virtual Pediatric Patients. BMC Medical Education, 2004:4;10. Available from the Internet at
  49. D'Alessandro MP, D'Alessandro DM, Bakalar RS, Ashley DE, Hendrix MJC. The Virtual Naval Hospital: The Digital Library as Knowledge Management Tool for Nomadic Patrons. Journal of the Medical Library Association 2005; 93(1): 16-20, January 2005. Available from the Internet at
  50. D'Alessandro DM, D'Alessandro MP. Initial Experiences in Developing a Chronologically Organized Digital Library for Continuing Education in Biodefense. [Online Journal] D-Lib Magazine, the Magazine of Digital Library Research - April 2005; 11 (4). Reston, Corporation for National Research Initiatives, April 2005. [rev. 15 April 2005, cited 15 April 2005]. Available from Internet:
  51. Stoloff PH, D'Alessandro MP, D'Alessandro DM, Bakalar RS. Promoting Health and Improving Health Care in a Cost Effective Manner Through a Military Digital Library. Military Medicine 2006; 171(1): 74-79.
  52. Sparacia G, Cannizzaro F, D'Alessandro DM, D'Alessandro MP, Caruso G, Lagalla R. Initial Experiences in Radiology E-Learning. Radiographics 2007, 27(2):573-581.
  53. D'Alessandro DM, D'Alessandro MP. Delivering Biodefense Continuing Education to Military Medical Providers by Allowing a Biodefense Educational Curriculum to Unfold in Practice. Military Medicine 2007; 172(12): 1293-1299.
  54. D'Alessandro DM, D'Alessandro MP. Formative Evaluation of a Pediatric Digital Library's Educational Content and Comparison to National Curricular Standards. Medical Teacher. 2008;30(9-10):880-6.
  55. Singh AK, Kao SCS, D'Alessandro MP, Sato Y. Diagnosis Please Case 164: Funicular Type of Spermatic Cord Hydrocele. Radiology. 2010;256(2):665-666 and 2010;257(2):890-892.

Selected Awards

Selected Grants is curated by Donna M. D'Alessandro, M.D. and Michael P. D'Alessandro, M.D.

All contents copyright © 2004-2025 Donna M. D'Alessandro, M.D. and Michael P. D'Alessandro, M.D. All rights reserved.

"," the logo, and "A laboratory for the study of educational informatics" are all Trademarks of Donna M. D'Alessandro, M.D. and Michael P. D'Alessandro, M.D. is funded in whole by Donna M. D'Alessandro, M.D. and Michael P. D'Alessandro, M.D. Advertising is not accepted.

Last Revised: January 1, 2025